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Boating Classes in Palm Beach

Boating Classes in Palm Beach – The ABC’s of Boating.

Being a member of a Palm Beach boat club is a great investment. Why own a boat? But even if you’re a renting a boat for the day, it’s important to educate yourself on the basics of boating. If you were looking for some Boating Classes in Palm Beach we got news for you! Each new Gulfstream Boat Club member receives a boating orientation from one of our licensed captains. We’ll “show you the ropes”!

The Palm Beach area also offers boat club members who want to learn a little more about boating some great options.

Boating Classes at The Palm Beach Sail & Power Squadron

For example, America’s Boating Course is offered locally the first Saturday and Sunday of the month by Palm Beach Sail & Power Squadron at their headquarters. It is open to the public. You do not have to own a boat to take this course; it’s perfect for boat club members. It’s a great opportunity to learn from the experts.  You never know when that bit of boating knowledge will become useful.

The Palm Beach Sail & Power Squadron is located at 1125 Old Dixie Hwy., Lake Park, Florida.  The America’s Boating Course is offered to promote public awareness of the dangers on the water and to teach safe and proper skills. The certified instructors are volunteers from Palm Beach Sail & Power Squadron.

The course covers:

  1. Boating terms, types, charts, fueling, safety, handling, anchoring, trailering, and personal watercraft

  2. Required equipment, navigation lights, boat registration, law enforcement and Florida regulations.

  3. Aids to navigation, navigation rules, emergencies including use of VHF radio.

  4. Review of homework, overall review, final exam and awarding of certificates, membership interviews.

The course is open to anyone 12 years or older.  Successful completion of this course will qualify that person to obtain a Florida Boating Safety Education I.D. Card. Taking some boating classes in Palm Beach should be everyone’s priority.

Registration is at 8:15 AM Saturday morning. Cost is $30 per person (cash or check) payable at registration. Class begins promptly at 8:30 AM (right after registration) and will run until 4 PM, with lunch break. Return Sunday at 2 PM (until about 4) for a review, exam (60 questions) and squadron orientation. For more information visit WWW.PALMBEACHSPS.ORG or call (561) 863-1461.

Online Boating Classes

Don’t have two days to indulge your desire to learn more about boating? How about an online course? At the BoatUS Foundation website, you can test your nautical knowledge with a 75-question Boating Safety Course, specific to Florida. This test covers a broad range of topics that are appropriate for all boaters — power, sail and personal watercraft. You will be able to print your BoatUS Foundation certificate upon successful completion of this 75-question course, which is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators.

Free Boating Classes in South Florida

The best place in the Palm Beach area to start your education on boating is as a member of Gulfstream Boat Club. Call us at 561.865.7797 or click here to learn more about membership, which includes a free orientation from one of our licensed captains! Taking your first boating classes in Palm Beach was never easier!

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